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Mallorca per Equips Preferent 2016

Last update 19.03.2016 23:26:04, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 524)

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Ranking crosstable (Pts.)

Rk.Team12345678910 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Ca'n Tiu Alaro Dragonera * 4234515380
2Sa Creu Petra2 * 544315360
3Son Dameto4½ * 3351431,50
4Agora Megaescacs3 * 664461339,50
5La Balanguera20 * 4349250
6Algaida½302 * 538220
7Tropic1½31 * 356210
8Blau Escacs Calvia23233 * 5240
9Alcudia½2½2 * 54200
10Maria de la Salut1310211 * 1130

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints