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Kategorni turnir za osvajanje IV kategorije

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4. Round

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
116Sumarac Aleksandar03 0 - 13 Topalovic Dimitrije011
27Popovic Stefan02 0 - 12 Andjelkovic Stefan01
32Bjelobrk Andrej02 1 - 02 Zivanovic Stefan015
412Veselinovic Milica0 1 - 02 Stojanovic Ana09
56Jovandic Jakov01 1 - 0 Delija Novak03
613Vujatovic Irina01 0 - 11 Rajcic Lazar08
710Stojanovic Teodora01 0 - 11 Vukicevic Jana014
84Djordjevic Novak00 1 - 00 Jevric Kristijan05