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Kategorni turnir IV kategornika za osvajanje III kategorije

Last update 17.01.2016 13:50:00, Creator/Last Upload:

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4. Round

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
17IVSekulic Aleksa03 0 - 13 IVTesic Milos09
23IVKozomara Filip02 0 - 12 IVNenkovic Aleksa05
310IVVisekruna Ana0 1 - 01 IVBoskovic Boris01
48IVStojanovic Djordje01 1 - 01 IVCiric Andrej02
56IVPantic Vanja0½ 1 - 00 IVMladjenovic Lazar04