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Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2016 - Masters

Last update 04.02.2016 18:18:40, Creator/Last Upload: Stephen Boyd ffe

Player overview for PAR

34GMBachmann Axel2610PAR1½½1½101106,53510-1,10Masters

Results of the last round for PAR

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
10822GMSutovsky Emil2647 1 - 0 GMBachmann Axel261034

Player details for PAR

GM Bachmann Axel 2610 PAR Rp:2592 Pts. 6,5
1160FMCordes Hans-Joerg Dr.2257GER4,5s 10,890,11101,10
295IMSantiago Yago De Moura2422BRA4,5w ½0,74-0,2410-2,40
391IMPadmini Rout2427IND5,5s ½0,74-0,2410-2,40
497IMBen Artzi Ido2418ISR5,5w 10,750,25102,50
567GMGunina Valentina2496RUS5,5s ½0,66-0,1610-1,60
669GMZhukova Natalia2484UKR5,5w 10,670,33103,30
75GMLi Chao B2751CHN7,5s 00,31-0,3110-3,10
877IMPrasanna Raghuram Rao2460IND5,5w 10,700,30103,00
979GMKrush Irina2458USA5,5w 10,700,30103,00
1022GMSutovsky Emil2647ISR7,5s 00,45-0,4510-4,50