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Campionatul National intre elevi B 11

Last update 06.01.2016 11:17:36, Creator/Last Upload: Bela Susterman

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Starting rank

1Caraiman VeaceslavMDA1000Balti
2Cebotari DaniilMDA1000Balti
3Cebotari StanislavMDA1000Falesti
4Cononov DaniilMDA1000Balti
5Priseajniuc AndreiMDA1000Balti
6Scurtu AlexandrMDA1000Ribnita
7Bilischii AntonMDA800Tiraspoli
8Dutca CatalinMDA800Edinet
9Tacu AlexandruMDA800Balti
10Tcacenco ArtiomMDA800Balti
11Baleanu AndreiMDA600Chisinau
12Baranciuc AlexandrMDA600Chisinau
13Cerevatii ArtiomMDA600Riscani
14Chirpii IvanMDA600Chisinev
15Drobot DumitruMDA600Ungheni
16Gherasim AntonMDA600Ungheni
17Maler AdrianMDA600Orhei
18Pilip MaximGER600Balti
19Velicico DinuMDA600Balti
20Corniet DimaMDA400Balti
21Resetnic DaniilMDA400Balti