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South African Junior Championships 2015 Wild Card (U18 Girls)

Darrera actualització10.01.2016 15:38:13, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Gunther van der Bergh

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Rànquing inicial

1Philander Pharren200056333WB1218
2Nkoana Kholofelo199027888LIM1172
3Malotana Iviwe298045027EBC968
4Badenhorst Mandie299001034NWP966
5Minnaar Johane198023179NC897
6Alexander Suedene199000462WB883
7Swart Melanie299066663WB840
8Van Der Heyde Alkeeniah299056336WB806
9Links Amy298066657WB675
10Nuwegeldt Lionecia200056330WB660
11Jaarsen Belodine298066656WB659
12Pretorius Hellenique298060381WB650
13Oerson Lucille200056332WB616
14Jacobs Jesmine200060367WB0
15Khanayo Erica298065206WB0
16Maharaj Sanha299072901KIK0
17Nuwegeld Lucritia299060369WB0
18Orton Michelle200066660WB0