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South African Junior Championships 2015 Wild Card (U16 Girls)

Last update 10.01.2016 15:52:11, Creator/Last Upload: Gunther van der Bergh

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Starting rank

1Van Wyk Annette200040763WB1181
2Seloana Reamogetswe200034040GTP1144
3Mabitsela Mirinda200052854LCP1113
4Seloana Mosa200034038GTP1084
5Mohideen Hasinath201023928KZN999
6Hoffman Elize200061917WB995
7Isaacs Chantelle-Lee201059070WB871
8Nxuthe Amanda200028556WP866
9Springveldt Nicole201052301WB774
10Pienaar Carla100030106NWP769
11Singh Pragna201034789GE758
12Mbabala Asiphe200059078WB732
13Mei Allanique200050709WB639
14Witbooi Joy100043136WB524
15Pienaar Lelanie202048079NWP496
16Lourens Marchelle201065208WB0
17September Leanna200060371WB0
18Visagie Bremwin100073370WB0