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December 2015 National Individual Chess Tournament

Last update 20.12.2015 22:42:00, Creator/Last Upload: Togo Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Bonsu Kwadwo Owusu Bempa12600172GHA1828
2Senyegah Paul12600229GHA1560
3Gardesey Marc12600261GHA1500
4Attah Elikem Kofi12600318GHA1480
5Agarwal Devyansh12600882GHA1438
6Ashley Christiana Naa Merley12600474GHA1438
7Coleman Vitaly12600482GHA1427
8Osei-Bobie Timothy KwasiGHA1400
9Karamchandani Rohan12600830GHA1367
10Tandoh Charles Raymond Appiah12600733GHA1219