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January Lviv Tradition (IM-group) (4th Maksym Yusupov Memorial) (Please contact mr.Olexandr Prohorov to take part in next GM,IM RR in Lviv, UKR)

Last update 31.01.2016 23:13:12, Creator/Last Upload: Lviv Region CF

Starting rank list of players

10IMFrolov Artur14100134UKR2499
9IMShkuran Daniil14106248UKR2426
6Sabuk Piotr1137565POL2416
5FMKrykun Yuriy14140667UKR2326
7Goluch Piotr1137840POL2308
4IMNester Ihor14107600UKR2303
12IMBondarets Vadim903540UKR2299
1WFMKiolbasa Oliwia1154613POL2236
3FMBunyatov Rustam13410210AZE2198
2FMSzostko Jakub1174282POL2198
8Pugachov Ilia14115689UKR2114
11WFMVasina Olena14124360UKR2095