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Al Ain Classic 2015

Last update 30.12.2015 18:04:28, Creator/Last Upload: Ilgar Bajarani

Player overview for RUS

8GMMotylev Alexander2653RUS½½11½½1½½61510-1,20Al-Ain Classic
12GMRakhmanov Aleksandr2640RUS11½½½½1½½613102,30Al-Ain Classic
20GMVolkov Sergey2612RUS1½½½1½1½05,53110-4,00Al-Ain Classic

Results of the last round for RUS

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMOnischuk VladimirUKR2612 ½ - ½ GMMotylev AlexanderRUS2653
GMAzarov SergeiBLR2595 ½ - ½ GMRakhmanov AleksandrRUS2640
GMHovhannisyan RobertARM2624 1 - 0 GMVolkov SergeyRUS2612

Player details for RUS

GM Motylev Alexander 2653 RUS Rp:2635 Pts. 6
171WGMMammadzada Gunay2341AZE4,5w ½10-3,60
243GMRiff Jean-Noel2507FRA5s ½10-2,00
375WGMKulkarni Bhakti2328IND4w 1101,30
455IMPetrosyan Manuel2466ARM5,5s 1102,60
529GMKovchan Alexander2583UKR5w ½10-1,00
627GMParligras Mircea-Emilian2586ROU5,5s ½10-0,90
733GMVaibhav Suri2552IND5,5w 1103,60
820GMVolkov Sergey2612RUS5,5s ½10-0,60
919GMOnischuk Vladimir2612UKR6s ½10-0,60
GM Rakhmanov Aleksandr 2640 RUS Rp:2657 Pts. 6
175WGMKulkarni Bhakti2328IND4w 1101,40
245GMArencibia Rodriguez Walter2501CUB5,5s 1103,10
333GMVaibhav Suri2552IND5,5w ½10-1,20
428GMGabuzyan Hovhannes2585ARM5,5s ½10-0,80
537GMZeng Chongsheng2530CHN5,5w ½10-1,50
629GMKovchan Alexander2583UKR5s ½10-0,80
739GMNeverov Valeriy2516UKR5w 1103,30
824GMPantsulaia Levan2598GEO6,5w ½10-0,60
925GMAzarov Sergei2595BLR6s ½10-0,60
GM Volkov Sergey 2612 RUS Rp:2571 Pts. 5,5
184WIMKurbonboeva Sarvinoz2295UZB4s 1101,30
252IMPetrosyan Tigran S.2469ARM4,5w ½10-1,90
356GMBabujian Levon2465ARM5,5s ½10-2,00
460IMBaghdasaryan Vahe2432ARM5w ½10-2,40
562IMOmar Noaman2403UAE4,5s 1102,30
635IMGhosh Diptayan2550IND5w ½10-0,90
738GMGopal G.N.2525IND5,5s 1103,80
88GMMotylev Alexander2653RUS6w ½100,60
915GMHovhannisyan Robert2624ARM6,5s 010-4,80