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Al Ain Classic 2015

Last update 30.12.2015 18:04:28, Creator/Last Upload: Ilgar Bajarani

Player overview for LAT

3GMKovalenko Igor2680LAT1½½101½0½54410-13,20Al-Ain Classic
5GMShirov Alexei2676LAT11½11½½½½6,521010,90Al-Ain Classic

Results of the last round for LAT

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMZhigalko SergeiBLR2655 ½ - ½6 GMShirov AlexeiLAT2676
GMKovalenko IgorLAT2680 ½ - ½5 IMPetrosyan ManuelARM2466

Player details for LAT

GM Kovalenko Igor 2680 LAT Rp:2566 Pts. 5
166IMAnurag Mhamal2390IND5s 1101,60
236GMMalakhatko Vadim2531BEL4,5w ½10-2,00
331GMSengupta Deep2563IND5,5s ½10-1,60
444GMDebashis Das2505IND4,5w 1102,70
521GMPashikian Arman2606ARM6,5s 010-6,00
656GMBabujian Levon2465ARM5,5w 1102,30
726GMAndriasian Zaven2594ARM6s ½10-1,20
828GMGabuzyan Hovhannes2585ARM5,5w 010-6,30
955IMPetrosyan Manuel2466ARM5,5w ½10-2,70
GM Shirov Alexei 2676 LAT Rp:2763 Pts. 6,5
168FMKokol Peter2363SLO4,5s 1101,40
238GMGopal G.N.2525IND5,5w 1103,00
321GMPashikian Arman2606ARM6,5s ½10-1,00
423GMAdly Ahmed2598EGY5,5w 1103,90
518GMGupta Abhijeet2613IND5,5s 1104,10
62GMWang Hao2707CHN8w ½100,40
724GMPantsulaia Levan2598GEO6,5s ½10-1,10
81GMKryvoruchko Yuriy2711UKR6,5w ½100,50
97GMZhigalko Sergei2655BLR6s ½10-0,30