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Tarptautinis šachmatų turnyras ELO 2200 Amateur weekend 2015

Last update 08.12.2015 11:08:33, Creator/Last Upload: Vaznonis Donatas. (LTU)

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Starting rank list

1Juksta Karolis128090391933U12
2Voroblievas Arturas128034301887
3Simkunas Kestutis128061451871S50
4Muralis Aloyzas128098611866
5Galuscak Viktoras128049321864
6Pluta Paulius128115301789U16
7Butvilas Aistis128105171781U12
8Dapkuviene Lina128042311717wS50
9Zebelis Rimantas128012401685S50
10Kalvis Stepas128042401659S50
11Gedmintas Darius128051141631
12Katinas Kazimieras128044871539S50