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Kuwait Final Stage Championship 2016

Last update 15.12.2015 20:57:37, Creator/Last Upload: Kuwait Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

1CMAl-Hajiri Bader10300163KUW2183
3CMAlothman Abdul Wahab10300015KUW2023
5Shehab Ibrahim10300082KUW1975
2CMAl Khateeb Taher10300058KUW1970
6CMMaqseed Nasser10300074KUW1936
8Alkhaldi Bader10300171KUW1932
9Al Duwish Ahmed10300325KUW1776
7Hussain Hashem10300716KUW1772
11Al Azmi Khalaf10300040KUW1755
10Alshourfaa Hazaa10300198KUW1737
4Alhasan Hasan10300864KUW1719
12Al Mousawi Omran10300066KUW1685