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ONGC 53rd National Premier Chess Championship 2015

Darrera actualització28.11.2015 10:49:21, Creador/Darrera càrrega: All India Chess Federation

Llista del rànquing inicial

13GMSethuraman S.P.5021596IND2651PSPB
9GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi5029465IND2651PSPB
4GMSengupta Deep5008352IND2589PSPB
10GMKunte Abhijit5002265IND2515PSPB
2GMKarthikeyan Murali5074452IND2498TN
11IMSwapnil S. Dhopade5019184IND2497Rlys
5GMShyam Sundar M.5019141IND2481AAI
3GMNeelotpal Das5003512IND2475PSPB
14GMVenkatesh M.R.5005779IND2464PSPB
12IMDas Arghyadip5003610IND2456Rlys
7IMRathnakaran K.5005507IND2447Rlys
1IMKarthikeyan P.5018226IND2441Rlys
8IMShyaamnikhil P5024218IND2436TN
6FMK. Praneeth Surya5091411IND2413TEL