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Torneo IRT Ciudad de Telde 2009

Last update 26.02.2009 00:23:41, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Federation (Arbiter Comitee)

Starting rank list of players

5Leon Varela Luis2215594ESP21652193
10Perdomo Abad Jose2207362ESP21072136
8Santana Montero Pedro Luis2297337ESP19591918
1Buet Samuel22242864ESP18981864
2Aguilera Suarez Antonio2290626ESP17941769
3Rodriguez Manzaneda Irene22249842ESP01503
4Guedes Lopez Saul22279466ESP00
6Lozano Lorenzo Jose Vicente22286900ESP00
9Real Morales Daniel22291679ESP00
7Rodriguez Manzaneda Javier22267646ESP00