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XVII IRT da Academia Potiguar de Xadrez - STD

Last update 25.11.2015 09:39:02, Creator/Last Upload: Maximo Igor Macedo

Starting rank list of players

8Macedo Alexandre Soares De2103451RN1868
5Oliveira Jr Antonio Fernandes2115581RN1824
4Frankental David2175061RN1816
9Batista Francisco Klemberg M.2146037CE1793
10Lacerda Gabriel Valero Bellot2138760RN1755
6Borges Caique Ferreira2191750RN1727
7Barbosa Vitor Hugo Villar Dan2175037RN1716
1De Araujo Marco Antonio Sena2161753PE1637
2De Araujo Antonio Jose2146223RN1624
3De Menezes Ricardo Fagner Dia2192926RN1616