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JUBs 2015 - Masculino

Last update 24.10.2015 19:41:42, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao de Xadrez do Estado de Goias

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Starting rank list

1FMAbdalla Luiz Guilherme Aurelli21110802272SP - UNIP
2Garkauskas Otto Dmitry21295232266SP - MACKENZIE
3Caetano Hugo Zanotti Mendonca21194202212PR - UNIOESTE
4Rocha Vitor Firmo De Souza21029512133RN - UFRN
5Souza Rafael Cabral De21240682100PE - UNINASSAU
6Garcia Gabriel Gonzaga21389562090GO - PUC GOIAS
7Xavier Lucca Lucas21246612071RN - UFRN
8Lopes Adan Cerqueira21275122064BA - UFBA
9Cardoso Sampaio Thyerre Augusto21654492018PA - UFPA
10Hiramine Rodrigo Yoshio Ferreira21375262015PE - UFPE
11Dos Santos Jose Genisson Camilo21493202015SE - UNIT
12Quevedo Naissinger Willian21242111987SC - UNOCHAPECO
13Prallon Sampaio Leonardo De Souza21370891982RS - UFPEL
14Nemeth Junior Henrique21188151979PR - UFPR
15Medeiros Israel Costa Smith De21358171955RN - UFRN
16Da Costa Rafael Felix Ribeiro21473431940PA - UFPA
17Sergio Filho Claudio Santos21076781907GO - UFG
18Ferreira Pedro Araujo21809871897PA - UFPA
19Lucci Bruno Wendorff21286241885RS - UFPEL
20Ramos Erick Alexandre Moreira21451201866MG - UNIFEI
21Sprotte Daniel Gustavo21402411853SC - UDESC
22Noronha Natanael Muana Cardoso21326051849RS - UFPEL
23Chaves Thiago De Melo Neves E21106441846DF - AAAUNB
24Dias Da Fonseca Petrus Fay21139371814AL - UFAL
25Noguerol Alvaro Vinueza21669091792DF - AAAUNB
26Flach Kauan Andrei21446461791RJ - UFRJ
27Koroleski Flavio Antonio Teixeira21379251786SC - UNOCHAPECO
28Ferreira Raul Cesar Goes21495911648SE - UFS
29Paz Rick Astley Santos Da21923061800BA - UNIJORGE
30Cardoso Max Wesley Santos21493111786SE - UFS
31Monteiro Neto Vandir Ferreira21521261738AP - UNIFAP
32Oliveira Erysson Matheus Linhares21962801729CE UFC
33Araujo Netto Nilson0PB - UFCG
34Barros Benone Gabriel Carvalho0MA - UFMA
35Da Silva Italo Viegas0MA - UFMA
36Da Silva Junior Gilson Mendes0MG - UFU
37De Castro Felipe Elias0AM - UFAM
38De Oliveira Caio Escariao0PB - UFPB
39Diniz Alef Ricardo Nogueira0TO - UFT
40Portela Elioenai Menezes0AM - UEA
41Salgado Marcelo Lopes0MG - UNIFEI
42Vasconcelos Dayvit Keffen Dos Reis0CE UFC