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FIDE World Blitz Championship 2015

Last update 14.10.2015 18:55:27, Creator/Last Upload: Deutscher Schachbund

Player overview for CUB

28GMDominguez Perez Leinier2717CUB11½½½1½½111½½0½½½½½½113,5132781
34GMBruzon Batista Lazaro2700CUB0110½½111½011½½00½01½11,5612645

Results of the last round for CUB

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMDominguez Perez Leinier271712½ 1 - 012½ GMOnischuk Vladimir2743
GMJumabayev Rinat265211 ½ - ½11 GMBruzon Batista Lazaro2700

Player details for CUB

GM Dominguez Perez Leinier 2717 CUB Rp:2781 Pts. 13,5
1121GMSwiercz Dariusz2555POL12,5s 1
292GMAdhiban Baskaran2607IND10,5w 1
372GMZhang Zhong2635SGP10s ½
474GMVallejo Pons Francisco2634ESP10,5w ½
5102IMSchneider Ilja2591GER10s ½
690GMKryvoruchko Yuriy2610UKR10w 1
782GMVolokitin Andrei2622UKR9,5s ½
866GMKasimdzhanov Rustam2641UZB13,5w ½
9137GMGajewski Grzegorz2520POL12,5s 1
1081GMPerunovic Milos2623SRB12w 1
1178GMPetrosian Tigran L.2630ARM12,5s 1
122GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime2854FRA15w ½
134GMAronian Levon2817ARM13,5s ½
1416GMKarjakin Sergey2759RUS13w 0
1539GMGhaem Maghami Ehsan2689IRI11s ½
1625GMSvidler Peter2726RUS14w ½
1731GMKorobov Anton2705UKR13s ½
1835GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo2700VEN12,5w ½
199GMAnand Viswanathan2791IND13w ½
208IMBogdanovich Stanislav2804UKR12s ½
2120GMOnischuk Vladimir2743UKR12,5w 1
GM Bruzon Batista Lazaro 2700 CUB Rp:2645 Pts. 11,5
1127GMNaumann Alexander2543GER8s 0
2128IMSanal Vahap2542TUR8,5w 1
3115GMBindrich Falko2562GER10s 1
4123GMSethuraman S.P.2550IND9,5w 0
5121GMSwiercz Dariusz2555POL12,5s ½
6138GMPavlidis Antonios2519GRE11w ½
7117GMHansen Eric2562CAN11s 1
8100GMGrigoriants Sergey2595RUS10w 1
982GMVolokitin Andrei2622UKR9,5s 1
1046GMEljanov Pavel2680UKR11,5w ½
1181GMPerunovic Milos2623SRB12s 0
12137GMGajewski Grzegorz2520POL12,5w 1
1355GMZvjaginsev Vadim2659RUS9,5s 1
1439GMGhaem Maghami Ehsan2689IRI11w ½
1566GMKasimdzhanov Rustam2641UZB13,5s ½
1610GMIvanchuk Vassily2789UKR14,5w 0
1767GMKravtsiv Martyn2640UKR12s 0
1886GMIvanisevic Ivan2615SRB12w ½
1980GMSasikiran Krishnan2627IND11,5s 0
2090GMKryvoruchko Yuriy2610UKR10w 1
2162GMJumabayev Rinat2652KAZ11,5s ½