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II IRT Clássico Fechado do Clube de Xadrez Online

Last update 12.10.2015 23:17:35, Creator/Last Upload: Ricardo Oliveira

Starting rank list of players

2Pacheco Helcio2131030BRA2096
4de Lima Mateus Peres2198339BRA1904
10Bonvini Alberto Tonhati2136546BRA1798
3Batista Matheus Peres2149168BRA1764
8Dias Matheus Nunes2136570BRA1676
9Bonvini Adriana Tonhati2136538BRA1557
5de Oliveira Reinaldo EuclidesBRA0
1dos Santos Ivan VilacaBRA0
6Vieira Matheus Jose HegediroBRA0
7von Zuben HarrisonBRA0