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Мемориал М.И.Чигорина - 2015

Last update 11.10.2015 16:48:11, Creator/Last Upload: St.Petersburg Chess Federation

Player overview for BLR

3GMAleksandrov Aleksej2606BLR11½½11½1½762618103,10
23GMStupak Kirill2531BLR11011½1½17112579106,70

Results of the last round for BLR

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
9318GMRozum Ivan2547 ½ - ½ GMAleksandrov Aleksej26063
91332IMParavyan David24866 0 - 16 GMStupak Kirill253123

Player details for BLR

GM Aleksandrov Aleksej 2606 BLR Rp:2618 Pts. 7
1190Svidinsky Dmitry2147RUS5s 10,11101,10
2100FMGurvich Vitaly2315RUS5,5w 10,15101,50
352Sarana Alexey2413RUS6,5s ½-0,2510-2,50
495IMBiriukov Oleg V.2323RUS5,5w ½-0,3410-3,40
585FMYeletsky Ivan2342RUS6s 10,18101,80
639IMAndersen Mads2457DEN6,5w 10,30103,00
720GMTimofeev Artyom2539RUS7s ½-0,0910-0,90
828GMKharchenko Boris2500UKR6,5w 10,36103,60
918GMRozum Ivan2547RUS7s ½-0,0810-0,80
GM Stupak Kirill 2531 BLR Rp:2579 Pts. 7
1211Trapeznikova Darya2092RUS5s 10,11101,10
2123Karpenko Artem2274RUS4,5w 10,18101,80
377IMKhanin Semen2359RUS6,5s 0-0,7310-7,30
4134Volkov Anton2255RUS5,5w 10,17101,70
593IMOvod Evgenija2328RUS4,5s 10,24102,40
652Sarana Alexey2413RUS6,5w ½-0,1610-1,60
753IMGuseva Marina2411RUS6,5s 10,34103,40
82GMTurov Maxim2609RUS6,5w ½0,11101,10
932IMParavyan David2486RUS6s 10,44104,40