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I Taça Alagoas de Xadrez Clássico

Last update 20.09.2015 18:23:35, Creator/Last Upload: arimaiajunior

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Starting rank

1Miranda Neto Jayme Amorim270005BRA2182Maceio/Al
2Lima Allan Gadelha Zaidan270204BRA2128Maceió/Al
3Azevedo Junior Jose Ferreira270082BRA2095Maceio/Al
4De Carvalho Antonio Azevedo270081BRA2001Maceio/Al
5Schetter Clandio Luiz270093BRA1912Maceio/Al
6Maia Junior Francisco Ari270001BRA1800Maceio/Al
7Barros Davi Matheus Costa270003BRA1798Maceio/Al
8Lins Aurelio José Xavier270650BRA1763Maceió/Al