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Makawanpur League Rating Chess Tournament 2015

Last update 01.12.2015 04:29:51, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

Starting rank list of players

10Sanjel Balram12304930NEP1755
15Humagain Navaraj12305740NEP1720
6Karki Sundar12304921NEP1694
11Thapamagar Rajan12304980NEP1660
13Sapkota Pawan12310883NEP1517
4Adhikari AsmitNEP0
7Adhikari Shambhu PrasadNEP0
2Chhatkuli SarojNEP0
9Dahal Prakash12311405NEP0
8Dahal RipeshNEP0
3Dhungel Gyanendra RajNEP0
16Khadka RomitNEP0
19Khadki SujanNEP0
14Khatiwada SandeshNEP0
1Mandal Uttam12304948NEP0
12Palikhel Rupesh PrasadNEP0
5Sanjel Debendra12305839NEP0
17Shahi SujanNEP0
20Timilsina Bhim PrasadNEP0
18Upreti SujanNEP0