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Улаанбаатар блиц 2015

Last update 18.09.2015 15:39:16, Creator/Last Upload: Mongolian Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

6GMGundavaa BMGL2503
3IMMunkhgal GMGL2460
8GMSharavdorj DMGL2429
13GMKhatanbaatar BMGL2375
12FMNasanjargal UMGL2372
9FMBayarmandakh BMGL2275
11FMGan-Od SMGL2249
4NMMungunkhuu MMGL2228
14FMEnkhnar EMGL2211
5Chinguun SMGL2049
2Ariunbuuvei BMGL1997
1Uuriintuya UMGL1956
15CMGaridmagnai BMGL1946
16NMBat-Erdene BMGL1940
10CMAgibileg UMGL1801
7FMMunkhzul TMGL1715