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Campeonato Amazonense Absoluto 2015 - Final

Last update 28.09.2015 05:13:01, Creator/Last Upload: Federação Amazonense de Xadrez

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Starting rank list

1FMReis Renan do Carmo2109735BRA2235
2NMSouza Neves Andrey M.2101815BRA2199
3Mousse Neto Sebastiao Alberto2137640BRA2037
4Da Silva Mikhail Zoltan Iwanon2133032BRA1990
5Bernardino Hugo Barros2132923BRA1926
6Bezerra Fabiano De Oliveira2148390BRA1906
7De Oliveira Freitas Reinier Alex2139693BRA1871
8CMGutierrez Enrique Alberto Soto2137755BRA1864
9De Lima Paulo Isaac Assis2148420BRA1863
10Pessoa Hudson Anselmo2133261BRA1801
11Presa Luis Alberto Passos2169690BRA1684
12Souza Lael Alexandre2139707BRA1664
13Vicuna Frayser Serquen2181339BRA1640
14Silva Miguel Zadorosny2161826BRA1612
15Leite Thales Ferreira2166186BRA1550
16Rodrigues Franca Carlos Alberto2198274BRA1477
17Rodolpho Filho Joao2159783BRA1452
18Reis Eleuterio Mark AsaphBRA1824