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FIDE World Junior U20 Championship (Open)

Last update 15.09.2015 16:25:34, Creator/Last Upload: 24120227 Staratorzhskiy Vladimir

Player overview for GER

5GMBluebaum Matthias2580GER1½1011½½½1½½1932621107,80Open
9WIMOsmanodja Filiz2309GER00011111101½07,516221320-22,40Girls

Results of the last round for GER

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
WIMOsmanodja FilizGER2309 0 - 1 WIMBivol AlinaRUS2321
GMBluebaum MatthiasGER25808 1 - 0 IMAli Marandi Cemil CanTUR2422

Player details for GER

WIM Osmanodja Filiz 2309 GER Rp:2213 Pts. 7,5
133WFMMilosevic Jovana2117SRB5w 00,75-0,7520-15,00
231WFMLingur Zalina2128RUS6s 00,74-0,7420-14,80
313WFMNavrotescu Andreea-Cristiana2263FRA7,5s 00,56-0,5620-11,20
445Barbier Astrid1835BEL2w 10,920,08201,60
546Garifullina Leya1776RUS4,5s 10,920,08201,60
637Vasova Maria2069BUL6w 10,800,20204,00
730Gelip Ioana2139ROU6s 10,720,28205,60
818WFMTerbe Julianna2233HUN6,5w 10,600,40208,00
911WFMKhomeriki Nino2296GEO7,5s 10,520,48209,60
103IMZiaziulkina Nastassia2401BLR9w 00,37-0,3720-7,40
1121WIMIbrahimova Sabina2215AZE7,5s 10,630,37207,40
1219WFMMakarenko Alexandra2229RUS8w ½0,61-0,1120-2,20
138WIMBivol Alina2321RUS9,5w 00,48-0,4820-9,60
GM Bluebaum Matthias 2580 GER Rp:2621 Pts. 9
136FMBida Mihai-Eugen2394ROU6w 10,740,26102,60
226IMStuder Noel2422SUI5,5s ½0,71-0,2110-2,10
322IMGagare Shardul2469IND6,5w 10,650,35103,50
48GMAntipov Mikhail Al.2538RUS10s 00,56-0,5610-5,60
528IMLoiseau Quentin2419FRA8,5w 10,710,29102,90
634IMLeiva Giuseppe2400PER6s 10,740,26102,60
74GMBok Benjamin2586NED8w ½0,490,01100,10
83GMGrigoryan Karen H.2609ARM7,5s ½0,460,04100,40
99GMBajarani Ulvi2535AZE8w ½0,56-0,0610-0,60
1039IMAkash G2382IND8s 10,760,24102,40
111GMDuda Jan-Krzysztof2645POL10w ½0,410,09100,90
1229IMTran Tuan Minh2417VIE8s ½0,72-0,2210-2,20
1327IMAli Marandi Cemil Can2422TUR7,5w 10,710,29102,90