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FIDE World Junior U20 Championship (Open)

Last update 15.09.2015 16:25:34, Creator/Last Upload: 24120227 Staratorzhskiy Vladimir

Player overview for GEO

40Beradze Irakli2380GEO½01½0½0111½1072524852035,80Open
11WFMKhomeriki Nino2296GEO11100½1½01½107,515228520-1,20Girls

Results of the last round for GEO

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
IMZiaziulkina NastassiaBLR24018 1 - 0 WFMKhomeriki NinoGEO2296
IMPichot AlanARG25287 1 - 07 Beradze IrakliGEO2380

Player details for GEO

WFM Khomeriki Nino 2296 GEO Rp:2285 Pts. 7,5
135Hoare Amy B2088ENG4,5w 10,770,23204,60
233WFMMilosevic Jovana2117SRB5s 10,730,27205,40
320WFMMovileanu Daniela2221ITA6w 10,600,40208,00
44WGMAbdumalik Zhansaya2380KAZ9,5s 00,38-0,3820-7,60
518WFMTerbe Julianna2233HUN6,5w 00,59-0,5920-11,80
626WFMParedes Bustamante Paula2156PER5,5s ½0,69-0,1920-3,80
724WCMWozniak Mariola2198POL6,5w 10,630,37207,40
843WFMNguyen Thi Thuy Trien1939VIE7,5s ½0,89-0,3920-7,80
99WIMOsmanodja Filiz2309GER7,5w 00,48-0,4820-9,60
105IMRodriguez Rueda Paula Andrea2358COL7w 10,410,592011,80
116WGMMammadzada Gunay2355AZE8s ½0,420,08201,60
1221WIMIbrahimova Sabina2215AZE7,5w 10,610,39207,80
133IMZiaziulkina Nastassia2401BLR9s 00,36-0,3620-7,20
Beradze Irakli 2380 GEO Rp:2485 Pts. 7
19GMBajarani Ulvi2535AZE8s ½0,290,21204,20
27IMRambaldi Francesco2540ITA8w 00,29-0,2920-5,80
312IMSanal Vahap2522TUR7w 10,310,692013,80
426IMStuder Noel2422SUI5,5s ½0,440,06201,20
52GMCori Jorge2637PER7w 00,18-0,1820-3,60
650Megalios Konstantinos2242GRE6s ½0,69-0,1920-3,80
723FMBarbot Pierre2455FRA6,5s 00,40-0,4020-8,00
844Bogdanov Egor2333UKR6w 10,570,43208,60
947FMHasenohr Benedict2309SUI5s 10,600,40208,00
1031IMKorchmar Vasiliy2409RUS6,5w 10,460,542010,80
1121IMSunilduth Lyna Narayanan2473IND7s ½0,370,13202,60
1213IMBai Jinshi2519CHN6,5w 10,310,692013,80
1311IMPichot Alan2528ARG8s 00,30-0,3020-6,00