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57th Nairobi Chess Club Championship - Prestige Section

Last update 24.08.2015 11:56:36, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1CMBibasa Bob10000240UGA2174
2CMNsubuga Haruna10000569UGA2143
3Gilruth Peter2004348KEN2132
4CMMagana Ben10800166KEN2091
5Gohil Mehul10800999KEN2087
6Boino Claudio1901133POR2073
7FMOuma Stephen10800824KEN2045
8Atwoli Joseph10800816KEN2027
9Hinga Githinji10801006KEN2024
10Singe Phillip Mbawala10800360KEN1961
11Jackson Ndegwa10801731KEN1955
12Kevins Omondi Joseph10805362KEN1934
13Kagambi Lawrence10800190KEN1825
14Mwangi Martin Njoroge10801952KEN1747
15Joseph Muraga Methu10804714KEN1731
16Jackson Okoth10802053KEN1695
17Tom Amwai10803670KEN1673
18Ronald Bolo10802711KEN1520
19Kamadi Akidiva10803289KEN0
20Mathew Gakonya10803351KEN0
21Otim Isaac Jonathan10003878UGA0
22Timothy Omondi10806342KEN0
23Wanjala Benard10801510KEN0