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Caribbean Chess Carnival 2015 Under 20 Section

Last update 20.08.2015 14:10:26, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad and Tobago Chess Foundation

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Starting rank list

1FMHUSBANDS Orlando11101644BAR2253
2FMJOHNSON Joshua7700768TTO2219
3SMITH Shreyas7400713JAM2123
4PRESCOD Bryan11101660BAR1998
5CHANG Pierre8201030SUR1973
6MC INTOSH Isaiah7703791TTO1903
7SINGH Mahendra7700938TTO1861
8WFMSMITH Javanna7700466TTO1775
9RICHARDS Allon11101423BAR1771
10RAMDATH Simon7702515TTO1708
11WCMJOHNSON Gabriella7701128TTO1658
12MARTIN Mikel7702310TTO1621
13YEARWOOD Shannon7702523TTO1607
14ISSA Elias7401124JAM1566
15PARSONS Justin11101792BAR1472
16SEALY Gerard7701586TTO1469
17MAHTANI Nitin11102870BAR1437
18CUMBERBATCH Gabriela11102330BAR1361
19SMITH Zurich7700490TTO1353
20WALROND Niccolo11102357BAR1195
21MAHADEO Sanjeev7704925TTO0
22MUNROE-BROWN Joshua7702671TTO0
23NELSON Darrion7703961TTO0
24PEGUS Melchezidek7701993TTO0
25PERSAD Ricardo7704003TTO0