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XXII IRT da Hebraica

Last update 23.08.2015 16:57:07, Creator/Last Upload: xequematebrasil

Starting rank list of players

2Luz Arthur Nader2148838BRA1976
6Ribeiro Marcos Willian De Sou2114399BRA1963
4Farah Daniel Landshoff2110466BRA1911
8Silva Vinicius Parente2138026BRA1854
1Capelo Martinho Figueira2122839BRA1853
7Pereira Jorge Luiz Rodrigues2114887BRA1852
9Yanaguihara Vitor Kioshi2132184BRA1846
3Salama Henrique Eric2115913BRA1717
5Regensteiner Valter Scheffer2193345BRA1329
10Storch Debora Landshoff2193043BRA1328