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SS Manhem Chess Week Elo-tournament 2015 Group 1

Senast uppdaterad14.08.2015 14:47:21, Creator/Last Upload: ssmanhem

Slutställning efter 9 ronder

Plac.SNrNamnNationRatingPoäng TB1  TB2  TB3 
110Dahl TrygveNOR2090832,0007
22Bengtsson JonasSWE2117726,7505
36Fransson LennartSWE21076,524,0006
44Bergre JoachimSWE2100415,2502
59Hattab HashimSWE1920412,5004
63Wickstrom TommySWE1895411,5004
75Axelsson HenrikSWE19653,513,0003
87Svorono GabrielSWE1972316,5002
98Bengtsson TageSWE20762,57,0012
101Gromark Per-OlofSWE20362,57,0002

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories