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IRT Sub 2200 Soc. Fomento Villa Diamante y Biblioteca Pop. 1 de Mayo

Last update 18.08.2015 02:06:45, Creator/Last Upload: Juan José Huergo

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Starting rank list

1Herrera Pablo114979ARG2024
2Lo Presti Roberto108286ARG1956
3Aracri Marcelo151734ARG1911
4Moscato Nestor Eduardo123501ARG1878
5Palladino Alberto127140ARG1832
6Saya Carlos135909ARG1791
7Cappadona Juan Pablo121606ARG1735
8Palma Angel Milciades108138ARG1730
9Volpe Leonel122491ARG1697
10Profilo Vicente111040ARG1692
11Arias Juan Carlos151742ARG1682
12Forni Carlos GuillermoARG1826
13Urciuoli AntonioARG1748
14Caballero Cristian153664ARG1715
15Pierri Jorge135178ARG1628
16Culaitis ArielARG0
17Profilo CristianARG0