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The 10th European Individual Chess Championship

Last update 18.03.2009 18:55:32, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

Player overview for ITA

29GMCaruana Fabiano2646ITA1½½½01½00116121252710-17,10
117GMGodena Michele2537ITA½1½01½010½16107252210-0,70
162IMBruno Fabio2460ITA001100101116135237410-12,60
270FMValenti Giuseppe2183ITA½00000000000,5305200415-14,10

Results of the last round for ITA

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
IMKalezic BlazoMNE24605 0 - 15 GMCaruana FabianoITA2646
GMGodena MicheleITA25375 1 - 05 Valeanu Eduard-AndreiROU2432
FMSpiric IgorSRB22545 0 - 15 IMBruno FabioITA2460
FMValenti GiuseppeITA2183½ 0 not paired  

Player details for ITA

GM Caruana Fabiano 2646 ITA Rp:2527 Pts. 6
1182IMKlenburg Mikhail2426UKR5w 10,780,22102,20
2112GMCvitan Ognjen2542CRO5,5s ½0,64-0,1410-1,40
3118GMDrasko Milan2533MNE5,5w ½0,65-0,1510-1,50
4116GMRagger Markus2540AUT6,5s ½0,64-0,1410-1,40
5106GMMilanovic Danilo2552SRB6,5w 00,63-0,6310-6,30
6160IMPap Misa2469SRB5,5s 10,730,27102,70
7114GMPopov Ivan2541RUS6,5w ½0,64-0,1410-1,40
8119GMHera Imre Jr2527HUN6s 00,66-0,6610-6,60
9195IMTalla Vladimir2407CZE6s 00,80-0,8010-8,00
10194IMCvetkovic Srdjan2407SRB4,5w 10,800,20102,00
11163IMKalezic Blazo2460MNE5s 10,740,26102,60
GM Godena Michele 2537 ITA Rp:2522 Pts. 6
1270FMValenti Giuseppe2183ITA0,5w ½0,89-0,3910-3,90
2262Anicic Vuko2212MNE5s 10,870,13101,30
346GMPashikian Arman2621ARM7,5w ½0,380,12101,20
418GMGuseinov Gadir2661AZE8s 00,33-0,3310-3,30
5209IMTodorovic Goran N2389SRB4,5w 10,700,30103,00
628GMBeliavsky Alexander G2646SLO7s ½0,350,15101,50
710GMMotylev Alexander2676RUS7,5w 00,31-0,3110-3,10
8160IMPap Misa2469SRB5,5s 10,590,41104,10
944GMPetrosian Tigran L2623ARM7,5w 00,38-0,3810-3,80
10174IMDurarbeyli Vasif2439AZE6s ½0,63-0,1310-1,30
11176Valeanu Eduard-Andrei2432ROU5w 10,640,36103,60
IM Bruno Fabio 2460 ITA Rp:2374 Pts. 6
19GMCheparinov Ivan2679BUL7s 00,22-0,2210-2,20
2249Wieczorek Oskar2265POL4w 00,75-0,7510-7,50
3269Elkin Leonid2191BLR4s 10,830,17101,70
4229IMBerend Fred2351LUX4w 10,650,35103,50
5245IMStanojevic Branko2276SRB4,5s 00,74-0,7410-7,40
6233Bonte Andrei-Mihai2335ROU4,5w 00,67-0,6710-6,70
7251FMRabrenovic Milinko2257MNE4s 10,760,24102,40
8223FMLeniart Arkadiusz2360POL5,5w 00,64-0,6410-6,40
9221IMKontic Djordjije2368MNE4s 10,630,37103,70
10213Schmidt Raul2382ROU4,5w 10,610,39103,90
11253FMSpiric Igor2254SRB5s 10,760,24102,40
FM Valenti Giuseppe 2183 ITA Rp:2004 Pts. 0,5
1117GMGodena Michele2537ITA6s ½0,110,39155,85
2109GMKunin Vitaly2546GER5w 00,10-0,1015-1,50
3201Nikac Predrag2395MNE4s 00,23-0,2315-3,45
4237FMSekulic Dusan2316SRB3,5w 00,32-0,3215-4,80
5286Vukovic Krsto2055MNE3,5s 00,67-0,6715-10,05
6-not paired- --- 0
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0
10-not paired- --- 0
11-not paired- --- 0