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International Chess Open Graz 2016- A-Tournament

Last update 21.02.2016 00:28:42, Creator: Manfred Mussnig,Last Upload: Dipl.Ing.Heinz Herzog

Player overview for ISR

3GMPostny Evgeny26682623ISR1½1½1½1016,55262210-2,80Grp A
10GMBoruchovsky Avital25470ISR1½½½111106,582580105,40Grp A
18IMKobo Ori24660ISR½1½1011106182510105,90Grp A

Results of the last round for ISR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMLi Chao b27517 1 - 0 GMBoruchovsky Avital2547
GMPostny Evgeny2668 1 - 06 IMKobo Ori2466

Player details for ISR

GM Postny Evgeny 2668 ISR Rp:2622 Pts. 6,5
169Dehlinger Alexander22342280GER5,5w 1100,80
238FMTomazini Aljosa23832248SLO3,5s ½10-3,40
330WGMSaduakassova Dinara24232347KAZ5w 1102,00
415GMMiljkovic Miroslav24940SRB5,5s ½10-2,30
526IMSchreiner Peter24352435AUT6w 1102,10
62GMRagger Markus26822648AUT7s ½100,20
714GMBai Jinshi25010CHN6w 1102,80
816WGMLei Tingjie24832364CHN6,5s 010-7,40
918IMKobo Ori24660ISR6w 1102,40
GM Boruchovsky Avital 2547 ISR Rp:2580 Pts. 6,5
177Ladrat Matthieu21820FRA3,5s 1101,00
247WGMYildiz Betul Cemre23430TUR5w ½10-2,60
333IMKantor Gergely24152412HUN5s ½10-1,80
431FMDragnev Valentin24212336AUT5,5w ½10-1,70
565Peczely Sebastian Zsombor22492246HUN4,5s 1101,50
637Colpe Malte23860GER5,5w 1102,90
719IMBagi Mate24652390HUN5,5s 1103,90
813GMDobrov Vladimir25180RUS6w 1104,60
91GMLi Chao b27512691CHN8s 010-2,40
IM Kobo Ori 2466 ISR Rp:2510 Pts. 6
185Peev Kosta21340MKD2,5s ½10-3,80
273Royset Pal22040NOR4,5w 1101,80
347WGMYildiz Betul Cemre23430TUR5s ½10-1,70
449FMMatsenko Andrei23420CZE5w 1103,30
541IMFreitag Manfred23672347AUT5,5s 010-6,40
648FMHalvax Georg23422292AUT5w 1103,30
722IMAli Marandi Cemil Can24530TUR6s 1104,80
85GMProhaszka Peter26132541HUN6w 1107,00
93GMPostny Evgeny26682623ISR6,5s 010-2,40