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September Lviv Tradition (IM-group) (Please contact mr.Olexandr Prohorov to take part in next GM,IM RR in Lviv, UKR)

Last update 06.10.2015 11:42:43, Creator/Last Upload: Lviv Region CF

Starting rank list of players

10IMShkuran Daniil14106248UKR2433
9Nesteretz Anatoliy14114313UKR2422
12IMGolubka Petr14114224UKR2413
6IMAnwesh Upadhyaya5028949IND2412
5IMBondarets Vadim903540UKR2289
2FMNaboka Sergey14123452UKR2237
4Walter Szymon1172590POL2214
8WIMHagesather Ellen1501909NOR2192
11Andersen Alf R.1503120NOR2178
1Lizak Jakub1158520POL2113
3WFMTarleva Vira14116693UKR2107
7WFMVasina Olena14124360UKR2072