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46th National A Chess Championship, India

Darrera actualització30.12.2008 10:45:50, Creador/Darrera càrrega: All India Chess Federation

Llista del rànquing inicial

10GMGanguly Surya ShekharIND2603
6GMNegi ParimarjanIND2597
11GMNeelotpal DasIND2477
8GMDeepan Chakkravarthy JIND2464
13IMKonguvel PonnuswamyIND2463
12IMRathnakaran KIND2458
9IMSriram JhaIND2458
1GMThipsay Praveen MIND2444
2Thejkumar M SIND2441
5IMAdhiban BIND2439
3IMSatyapragyan SwayangsuIND2417
4IMShyam Sundar MIND2402
7IMAkshayraj KoreIND2400