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Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez RPD III Oncosinos 2015 - ID CBX 2803 ID FIDE 118319

Última Atualização08.08.2015 23:13:48, Criado por / Última atualização: Metrópole Xadrez Clube

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Tabela cruzada final após 7 rondas

Rk.NomeFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. Desp1  Desp2  Desp3  Desp4  Desp5 Rp
1Bueno Alfeu Junior VarelaBRA 26w1 29b1 37w1 4b½ 2w½ 8b1 5w160,52932532267
2Cordeiro Marco Aurelio ZarorBRA 48b1 14w½ 18b1 12w1 1b½ 5w1 6b160,52931,5542265
3Deste Dayan KuhnBRA 31w1 10b1 9w½ 14b1 7w0 15b1 13w15,502831,5532085
4Penna LeandroBRA 19b1 51w1 16b1 1w½ 5b0 28w1 12b15,502729542156
5Genro Guilherme SaidelesBRA 34w1 15b1 8w1 7b1 4w1 2b0 1b05031,535542170
6Gazola Andre AugustoBRA 21b1 17w1 12b½ 9w½ 30b1 7b1 2w05028,532442080
7FMMenna Barreto Felipe KubiakiBRA 22b1 24w1 13b1 5w0 3b1 6w0 26b1502832542071
8Eltz Vinicius AmaroBRA 60b1 25w1 5b0 20w1 17b1 1w0 28b15026,529,5542086
9Boeira Dimitri Ariel PiresBRA 53b1 28w1 3b½ 6b½ 16w1 12w0 21b15026,528441934
10Dickel Henrique De OliveiraBRA 44b1 3w0 60b1 13w½ 24b1 30w½ 22b15024,527,5442019
11Venter Paulo RegisBRA 38b½ 40w1 29b1 13w0 17w1 20b15022,525,5432005
12Bastos Guilherme ExterhotterBRA 47w1 42b1 6w½ 2b0 14w1 9b1 4w04,502931,5432024
13Budde Vinicius ChemaleBRA 45w1 33b1 7w0 10b½ 11b1 32w1 3b04,5027,530,5441954
14Pedroso DenianBRA 56w1 2b½ 32b1 3w0 12b0 18w1 30b14,502729442021
15Pimenta Elisandro da SilvaBRA 49b1 5w0 19b1 18w1 28b½ 3w0 23b½402628,5341907
16Aguirre ValcirBRA 27w1 52b1 4w0 42b1 9b0 21w0 32b1402526,5441730
17Da Silva Joao Carlos OrguimBRA 59w1 6b0 39w1 37b1 8w0 11b0 38w1402425431868
18Paganella Gelson LuisBRA 41w1 40b1 2w0 15b0 42w1 14b0 37w14023,526,5431960
19Cordeiro Yan HenriqueBRA 4w0 35b1 15w0 55b1 29w1 20w0 40b14023,525431776
20Cordobes Milton Martin MartinBRA 43w1 37b0 53w1 8b0 39w1 19b1 11w0402324,5431609
21Luz Paulo Lopes daBRA 6w0 59b1 29w0 53b1 40w1 16b1 9w0402223431797
22Teixeira Guilherme VargasBRA 7w0 62b1 28b0 58w1 43w1 45b1 10w0402121431783
23Da Fonseca Junior Paulo JairBRA 41b0 61w1 31b1 37w0 34b1 15w½4020,523331706
24Perondi Rodolfo AntonioBRA 62w1 7b0 47w½ 52b1 10w0 38b½ 45w1402020331742
25Santos Gulherme FortesBRA 55w1 8b0 52w0 39b0 31w1 43b1 41w1401920,5431506
26Silva Airton Dias DaBRA 1b0 58w0 62b1 57w1 52w1 37b1 7w0401919431884
27Alves Matheus MaidanoBRA 16b0 30w0 54b0 56w1 44b1 51w1 42w14017,519,5431857
28Togni EvertonBRA 36w1 9b0 22w1 33b1 15w½ 4b0 8w03,502730,5331829
29Rahal IsraelBRA 57b1 1w0 21b1 11w0 19b0 35w½ 39w13,5025,527,5331780
30Fonseca Luiz ItamirBRA 39w0 27b1 38w1 43b1 6w0 10b½ 14w03,5024,527,5331698
31Rosa Jefferson Benites DaBRA 3b0 49w½ 44b1 23w0 25b0 50w1 48b13,502325,5341681
32Melo Gabrieli deBRA 39b1 14w0 41b1 47w1 13b0 16w03,5022,525331876
33Ramses Dorli RosaBRA 54b1 13w0 58b1 28w0 38w½ 41b½ 36w½3,5019,521231812
34Bidigaray MarcioBRA 5b0 57w0 56b1 49w½ 48b1 23w0 51b13,501820341823
35Pereira Carlos PequerBRA 51b0 19w0 46b0 62w1 58b1 29b½ 47w13,5016,516,5341742
36Tambara NewtonBRA 28b0 61w½ 49b½ 51w0 54b1 52w1 33b½3,501617,5241582
37Almeida Edson Soyaux deBRA 46b1 20w1 1b0 17w0 23b1 26w0 18b0302629341749
38Melo Danieli deBRA 11w½ 30b0 44w1 33b½ 24w½ 17b03023,526,5131749
39Silva EduardoBRA 30b1 32w0 17b0 25w1 20b0 46w1 29b03022,525,5341721
40Koch CrystianBRA 58b1 18w0 11b0 46w1 21b0 47b1 19w03022,524341642
41Flech Roberto MiottoBRA 18b0 23w1 48b½ 32w0 49b1 33w½ 25b03021,524241733
42Munari Carlos JoseBRA 61b1 12w0 57b1 16w0 18b0 55w1 27b0302122,5341554
43Chedid Rafael AntonioBRA 20b0 46w1 51b1 30w0 22b0 25w0 57b13020,522,5341685
44Bardini ErikBRA 10w0 45b1 31w0 38b0 27w0 56b1 55b13020,522341528
45Paganella Jose Arnoldo KenigBRA 13b0 44w0 59b1 54w1 51b1 22w0 24b03019,520,5341745
46Prochnow Marcos AlbertoBRA 37w0 43b0 35w1 40b0 59w1 39b0 54w13017,518,5331648
47Karoly Janos MichaelBRA 12b0 54w1 24b½ 48w1 32b0 40w0 35b02,502123241714
48Fernandes Ricardo MunzBRA 2w0 56b1 41w½ 47b0 34w0 49b1 31w02,502123231722
49Dalla Valle AndreBRA 15w0 31b½ 36w½ 34b½ 41w0 48w0 52b12,502021,5131536
50Leal Eduardo da Silva CoelhoBRA -0 -0 -0 53w1 31b0 59w12,501920211564
51Friedrich Carlos Ernesto G.BRA 35w1 4b0 43w0 36b1 45w0 27b0 34w0202326231489
52Schmitt AlexandreBRA -1 16w0 25b1 24w0 26b0 36b0 49w02022,525131527
53Kieling GustavoBRA 9w0 -1 20b0 21w0 50b0 57w0 62b12021,521,5131346
54Anesi Vitor HugoBRA 33w0 47b0 27w1 45b0 36w0 62w1 46b02019,519,5231574
55Saraiva Joao Vicente CarneiroBRA 25b0 60w0 -1 19w0 57b1 42b0 44w0201921131477
56Pahl Gustavo Henrique de OliveiraBRA 14b0 48w0 34w0 27b0 62b1 44w0 58b1201919241608
57Takatsu EiseiBRA 29w0 34b1 42w0 26b0 55w0 53b1 43w02018,520231277
58Bardefeld Soares Leticia GeovanaBRA 40w0 26b1 33w0 22b0 35w0 59b½ 56w01,50,52021131540
59Kuciak AlexandreBRA 17b0 21w0 45w0 -1 46b0 58w½ 50b01,50,519,521031141
60Mansur Emilio Roberto SalimBRA 8w0 55b1 10w0 -0 -0 -0 -0102122,5111460
61Bringhenti Bruno DominguesBRA 42w0 36b½ 23b0 -0 -0 -0 -00,501819,5021533
62Cesa Carlos AlbertoBRA 24b0 22w0 26w0 35b0 56w0 54b0 53w00019,52103845

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 4: The greater number Of victories
Desempate 5: Most black