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2015 Oceania Zonal Womens

Last update 10.07.2015 06:27:18, Creator/Last Upload: Papua New Guinea Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1WIMDekic Biljana N.3200493AUS2059
2WIMGuo Emma3200795AUS2040
3WFMTimergazi Layla4303733NZL2025
4WIMLane Nancy3203794AUS1913
5WIMJarek Katherine3221318AUS1893
6Guo Zhi Lin3216381AUS1841
7Quek Shi Ning Kristine5803837AUS1839
8WFMSmith Vivian J4301935NZL1771
9WCMAnton Sarah3207102AUS1756
10Christian Kashish3209920AUS1702
11Krstevska Tanya3216403AUS1589
12WCMSukhu Gloria11400099FIJ1499
13Lu Lillian3219208AUS1328
14Goswami Sugandha11400510FIJ0