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Women's National Chess Championship 2015

Last update 13.07.2015 08:48:21, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

Starting rank list of players

10WFMPremanath Dinushki9903542SRI1833
13WIMRanasinghe S D9902651SRI1783
11WIMMethmani Nelunika9910050SRI1768
1WCMMendis Dasuni Hansika9907696SRI1697
9WFMWickramasinghe Dilhara Ishini9906738SRI1674
12Udupitiya U G S S S9904921SRI1647
4Peiris H Pevinya9924930SRI1607
2Askey Roshell Nathasha9909613SRI1606
5Rajapaksa Miyuni Kavinya9939210SRI1591
3Gamage Nethmi Nirasha9924582SRI1580
6Saumy Zainab9911316SRI1570
8De Silva Chamindra9909257SRI1544
7Abeysinghe H M H Janandani9926160SRI1519
14WCMKodikara K K M Sachintha9932070SRI1505