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European Union Youth Championship - U10

Last update 27.08.2015 12:44:52, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 34

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Starting rank list

1Gnojek Petr371807CZE1817
2Nguyen Thai Dai Vinh375349CZE1758
3Stastna Martina385123CZE1712w
4Motiu Victor1242091ROU1675
5Brnusak Tomas14939878SVK1647
6Kolev Lachezar2919788BUL1633
7Razafindratsima Timothe36069884FRA1629
8Rousek Jan386669CZE1603
9Panturu Octavian-Nicu1246402ROU1567
10Andrijashkin Deniss4504631EST1553
11Povilaitis Tomas12811700LTU1551
12Verhille Elie36044385FRA1525
13Nguyen Thao Nhi36000310FRA1489w
14Ochedzan Tymon21810389POL1489
15Bellahcene Sofia26075954FRA1485w
16Toth Nikoletta773670HUN1469w
17Vulpe Raisa-Georgiana1246380ROU1402w
18Mjatezs Ivans11609192LAT1370
19Bauer Jan385107CZE1360
20Cwiek Ryszard21840920POL1348
21Fizerova Lucie385115CZE1336w
22Ivanecka Natalia14944510SVK1229w
23Motuza Nedas12811246LTU1204
24Kecskemeti Admira Aida2508559IRL1142w
25Hetzner Hannes16211936GER0
26Lahs Einars11606797LAT0
27Nazarov Vladislav4507568EST0
28Ullrich Karol21818487POL0