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LaHotel & 4 Springare GM tournament

Senast uppdaterad30.06.2015 15:45:28, Creator/Last Upload: scandinavian-chess-tournament

Korstabell efter 11 ronder

Plac.NamnNation123456789101112Poäng TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IMLyrberg PatrikSWE*½11½1½1½1½18,543,5006
2GMTeterev VitalyBLR½*½½1½1½1½11839,0005
3GMKovalev AndreiBLR0½*½½1½1½1117,533,7505
4GMTihonov JurijBLR0½½*½½1½11117,533,2505
5GMYagupov IgorRUS½0½½*½½½1111730,7504
6IMTsyhanchuk StanislavBLR0½0½½*1½1011626,7504
7Kazakovskiy ValeriyBLR½0½0½0*111½1625,5004
8FMOlund JoarSWE0½0½½½0*½1½1521,2502
9IMShalamberidze AkakiGEO½0½0000½*½11415,2502
10FMBorsuk YuriyBLR0½000100½*½13,513,5002
11FMLokander MartinSWE½00000½½0½*1311,5001
12Helin MikaelSWE00000000000*00,0000

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories