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22nd Abu Dhabi Int. Chess Festival Masters Tournament

Last update 31.08.2015 12:51:17, Creator/Last Upload: Khoori3

Player overview for UAE

27GMSalem A.R. Saleh2595UAE111½½0½116,561014,40Masters
86FMSaleh Nabil2249UAE01100010½3,58920-2,80Masters
93FMKhouri Ibrahim Mohamed2205UAE0½½½1½000310520-18,40Masters
110Ahmed Fareed2119UAE00101000½2,510940-24,40Masters
125FMKhouri Ahmed Abbas2023UAE0½00½0½102,5113200,80Masters
128Zayed Ali Al-Hamed2006UAE010½001103,5962019,60Masters
129FMSultan Ibrahim1983UAE10½0010002,51084066,40Masters

Results of the last round for UAE

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMSalem A.R. Saleh2595 1 - 0 GMGopal G.N.2562
Zayed Ali Al-Hamed2006 - - +3 IMHeydarli Kanan2256
FMSaleh Nabil22493 ½ - ½3 CMDerakhshani Borna2016
WIMDerakhshani Dorsa21923 + - -3 FMKhouri Ibrahim Mohamed2205
FMKhouri Ahmed Abbas2023 - - + Mokal Amruta Sunil2123
Laabi Chian Majid20872 ½ - ½2 Ahmed Fareed2119
FMSultan Ibrahim1983 0 not paired  

Player details for UAE

GM Salem A.R. Saleh 2595 UAE Rp:2696 Pts. 6,5
193FMKhouri Ibrahim Mohamed2205UAE3w 10,09100,90
292WGMKryvoruchko Vita2210UKR4s 10,09100,90
33GMKryvoruchko Yuriy2697UKR6w 10,64106,40
45GMJobava Baadur2664GEO7s ½0,10101,00
513GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo2625VEN6w ½0,04100,40
67GMAreshchenko Alexander2661UKR7s 0-0,4110-4,10
746GMHarika Dronavalli2509IND5,5w ½-0,1210-1,20
811GMKuzubov Yuriy2638UKR5,5s 10,56105,60
936GMGopal G.N.2562IND5,5w 10,45104,50
FM Saleh Nabil 2249 UAE Rp:2249 Pts. 3,5
120GMGhaem Maghami Ehsan2609IRI5,5w 0-0,1020-2,00
2122Jovancevic Jovan2051MNE2,5s 10,24204,80
357IMYagubi Asif2431AZE1w 10,742014,80
446GMHarika Dronavalli2509IND5,5s 0-0,1820-3,60
563GMRaetsky Alexander2402RUS4,5w 0-0,3020-6,00
651IMSagar Shah2456IND4,5s 0-0,2320-4,60
7110Ahmed Fareed2119UAE2,5w 10,32206,40
870Kulkarni Rakesh2368IND5s 0-0,3420-6,80
9126CMDerakhshani Borna2016IRI3,5w ½-0,2920-5,80
FM Khouri Ibrahim Mohamed 2205 UAE Rp:2135 Pts. 3
127GMSalem A.R. Saleh2595UAE6,5s 0-0,0920-1,80
2125FMKhouri Ahmed Abbas2023UAE2,5w ½-0,2420-4,80
3119Galindo Joseph2064PHI2,5s ½-0,1920-3,80
4128Zayed Ali Al-Hamed2006UAE3,5w ½-0,2620-5,20
5129FMSultan Ibrahim1983UAE2,5s 10,22204,40
662IMNezad Husein Aziz2404QAT5w ½0,26205,20
767IMBulmaga Irina2393ROU5s 0-0,2620-5,20
878Firouzja Alireza2309IRI4w 0-0,3620-7,20
997WIMDerakhshani Dorsa2192IRI4- 0K
Ahmed Fareed 2119 UAE Rp:2079 Pts. 2,5
145GMPakleza Zbigniew2520POL5s 0-0,0840-3,20
277CMAsadli Vugar2324AZE3,5w 0-0,2440-9,60
388CMAlhajiri Bader2238KUW1s 10,664026,40
484IMHeydarli Kanan2256AZE4w 0-0,3240-12,80
594WIMKhalafova Narmin2203AZE4s 10,624024,80
679FMHernandez Jimenez Alexander2302VEN4w 0-0,2640-10,40
786FMSaleh Nabil2249UAE3,5s 0-0,3240-12,80
8125FMKhouri Ahmed Abbas2023UAE2,5w 0-0,6340-25,20
9115Laabi Chian Majid2087IRI2,5s ½-0,0440-1,60
FM Khouri Ahmed Abbas 2023 UAE Rp:2037 Pts. 2,5
161IMAsgarizadeh Ahmad2407IRI4,5w 0-0,0920-1,80
293FMKhouri Ibrahim Mohamed2205UAE3s ½0,24204,80
387Raja Harshit2247IND3,5w 0-0,2220-4,40
4101FMVinoth Kumar M.2166IND3,5s 0-0,3120-6,20
5112Mohammed Tarig Elther2105SUD1,5w ½0,11202,20
6109FMAyyad Maher2122BRN3s 0-0,3620-7,20
7122Jovancevic Jovan2051MNE2,5w ½0,04200,80
8110Ahmed Fareed2119UAE2,5s 10,632012,60
9108Mokal Amruta Sunil2123IND3,5- 0K
Zayed Ali Al-Hamed 2006 UAE Rp:2138 Pts. 3,5
164IMGaponenko Inna2402UKR5s 0-0,0820-1,60
2-bye- --- 1
372IMTissir Mohamed2351MAR4w 0-0,1120-2,20
493FMKhouri Ibrahim Mohamed2205UAE3s ½0,26205,20
591WGMSwati Ghate2214IND4,5w 0-0,2320-4,60
687Raja Harshit2247IND3,5s 0-0,2020-4,00
7112Mohammed Tarig Elther2105SUD1,5w 10,642012,80
8104CMNameer Noor. Al-Deen2158IRQ3s 10,702014,00
984IMHeydarli Kanan2256AZE4- 0K
FM Sultan Ibrahim 1983 UAE Rp:2286 Pts. 2,5
165Siva Mahadevan2401IND4,5w 10,924036,80
230GMSandipan Chanda2585IND5s 0-0,0840-3,20
374FMKowsarinia Amir2332IRI3,5w ½0,394015,60
470Kulkarni Rakesh2368IND5s 0-0,0940-3,60
593FMKhouri Ibrahim Mohamed2205UAE3w 0-0,2240-8,80
6101FMVinoth Kumar M.2166IND3,5s 10,744029,60
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0