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22nd Abu Dhabi Int. Chess Festival Masters Tournament

Last update 31.08.2015 12:51:17, Creator/Last Upload: Khoori3

Player overview for ROU

39GMNevednichy Vladislav2549ROU½1½101½105,523107,90Masters
50GMBerescu Alin-Mile2464ROU½½½01011½55410-17,30Masters
67IMBulmaga Irina2393ROU½01½10110545102,70Masters
100FMVoiteanu Gabriel2182ROU½½½0011014,5632022,40Masters

Results of the last round for ROU

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMJones Gawain C B2647 1 - 0 GMNevednichy Vladislav2549
GMOnischuk Vladimir26185 1 - 05 IMBulmaga Irina2393
IMGaponenko Inna2402 ½ - ½ GMBerescu Alin-Mile2464
FMVoiteanu Gabriel2182 + - - FMMansour Sameer2292

Player details for ROU

GM Nevednichy Vladislav 2549 ROU Rp:2618 Pts. 5,5
1-not paired- --- ½
284IMHeydarli Kanan2256AZE4w 10,15101,50
360IMKaravade Eesha2409IND5s ½-0,1910-1,90
42GMAlmasi Zoltan2700HUN6w 10,70107,00
517GMGupta Abhijeet2619IND6,5s 0-0,4010-4,00
676WGMSoumya Swaminathan2325IND4s 10,22102,20
716GMRakhmanov Aleksandr2620RUS6w ½0,10101,00
821GMKovchan Alexander2605UKR5,5w 10,58105,80
910GMJones Gawain C B2647ENG6,5s 0-0,3710-3,70
GM Berescu Alin-Mile 2464 ROU Rp:2276 Pts. 5
1-not paired- --- ½
2116Ghorbani Hadi2084IRI4,5s ½-0,4110-4,10
3100FMVoiteanu Gabriel2182ROU4,5w ½-0,3410-3,40
489FMBashirli Nail2235AZE4,5s 0-0,7910-7,90
5101FMVinoth Kumar M.2166IND3,5w 10,15101,50
681WIMSeverina Maria2276RUS4,5s 0-0,7410-7,40
796CMSindarov Javokhir2198UZB4,5w 10,18101,80
877CMAsadli Vugar2324AZE3,5w 10,31103,10
964IMGaponenko Inna2402UKR5s ½-0,0910-0,90
IM Bulmaga Irina 2393 ROU Rp:2403 Pts. 5
1-not paired- --- ½
27GMAreshchenko Alexander2661UKR7s 0-0,1710-1,70
3126CMDerakhshani Borna2016IRI3,5w 10,09100,90
4106Yashas D.2135IND5s ½-0,3210-3,20
5116Ghorbani Hadi2084IRI4,5w 10,14101,40
616GMRakhmanov Aleksandr2620RUS6s 0-0,2110-2,10
793FMKhouri Ibrahim Mohamed2205UAE3w 10,26102,60
843GMHorvath Adam2540HUN5w 10,70107,00
918GMOnischuk Vladimir2618UKR6s 0-0,2210-2,20
FM Voiteanu Gabriel 2182 ROU Rp:2327 Pts. 4,5
1-not paired- --- ½
236GMGopal G.N.2562IND5,5w ½0,41208,20
350GMBerescu Alin-Mile2464ROU5s ½0,34206,80
458Vignesh N R2430IND4w 0-0,1920-3,80
555GMCzebe Attila2439HUN5,5s 0-0,1820-3,60
6114WFMHaussernot Cecile2087FRA2s 10,37207,40
787Raja Harshit2247IND3,5w 10,592011,80
861IMAsgarizadeh Ahmad2407IRI4,5s 0-0,2220-4,40
980FMMansour Sameer2292JOR3,5- 1K