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22nd Abu Dhabi Int. Chess Festival Masters Tournament

Last update 31.08.2015 12:51:17, Creator/Last Upload: Khoori3

Player overview for PHI

53IMPascua Haridas2447PHI11½½1001½5,5211021,80Masters
113Marcos Marvin2104PHI0001011003104208,20Masters
118Baltazar Danny2071PHI001001100310720-10,80Masters
119Galindo Joseph2064PHI0½½00½1002,511040-14,80Masters
121Yap Ernesto M.2060PHI000000011211420-36,40Masters

Results of the last round for PHI

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMPapp Gabor26015 ½ - ½5 IMPascua Haridas2447
WIMKhalafova Narmin22033 + - -3 Marcos Marvin2104
Baltazar Danny20713 0 - 1 FMVinoth Kumar M.2166
FMKowsarinia Amir2332 + - - Galindo Joseph2064
Yap Ernesto M.20601 1 - 02 WFMHaussernot Cecile2087

Player details for PHI

IM Pascua Haridas 2447 PHI Rp:2618 Pts. 5,5
1117Akkam Mazen2074SYR1,5s 10,10101,00
215GMPetrosian Tigran L.2623ARM6w 10,73107,30
34GMRapport Richard2671HUN7s ½0,28102,80
419GMSwiercz Dariusz2617POL6w ½0,22102,20
518GMOnischuk Vladimir2618UKR6s 10,73107,30
617GMGupta Abhijeet2619IND6,5w 0-0,2710-2,70
728GMGabuzyan Hovhannes2593ARM5s 0-0,3010-3,00
858Vignesh N R2430IND4w 10,48104,80
923GMPapp Gabor2601HUN5,5s ½0,21102,10
Marcos Marvin 2104 PHI Rp:2159 Pts. 3
148IMSadzikowski Daniel2480POL6w 0-0,0920-1,80
281WIMSeverina Maria2276RUS4,5s 0-0,2720-5,40
391WGMSwati Ghate2214IND4,5w 0-0,3520-7,00
4112Mohammed Tarig Elther2105SUD1,5s 10,502010,00
579FMHernandez Jimenez Alexander2302VEN4w 0-0,2420-4,80
6122Jovancevic Jovan2051MNE2,5s 10,43208,60
797WIMDerakhshani Dorsa2192IRI4w 10,622012,40
872IMTissir Mohamed2351MAR4s 0-0,1920-3,80
994WIMKhalafova Narmin2203AZE4- 0K
Baltazar Danny 2071 PHI Rp:2026 Pts. 3
154IMPadmini Rout2444IND4,5s 0-0,1020-2,00
285Antonio Viani D'cunha2255IND5s 0-0,2620-5,20
3-bye- --- 1
490FMMohammed Zozek Salah Mohammed2225IRQ4w 0-0,2920-5,80
595Senthil Maran K2201IND3w 0-0,3220-6,40
6127Ghoorchibeygi Alireza2016IRI4s 10,42208,40
7109FMAyyad Maher2122BRN3w 10,572011,40
876WGMSoumya Swaminathan2325IND4s 0-0,1920-3,80
9101FMVinoth Kumar M.2166IND3,5w 0-0,3720-7,40
Galindo Joseph 2064 PHI Rp:2019 Pts. 2,5
155GMCzebe Attila2439HUN5,5w 0-0,0940-3,60
287Raja Harshit2247IND3,5s ½0,24409,60
393FMKhouri Ibrahim Mohamed2205UAE3w ½0,19407,60
483Fendereski Nima2268IRI3,5s 0-0,2440-9,60
599WGMMona Khaled2184EGY5w 0-0,3440-13,60
694WIMKhalafova Narmin2203AZE4w ½0,19407,60
7117Akkam Mazen2074SYR1,5- 1K
896CMSindarov Javokhir2198UZB4,5s 0-0,3240-12,80
974FMKowsarinia Amir2332IRI3,5- 0K
Yap Ernesto M. 2060 PHI Rp:1857 Pts. 2
157IMYagubi Asif2431AZE1w 0-0,1020-2,00
289FMBashirli Nail2235AZE4,5s 0-0,2720-5,40
395Senthil Maran K2201IND3s 0-0,3120-6,20
488CMAlhajiri Bader2238KUW1w 0-0,2720-5,40
5122Jovancevic Jovan2051MNE2,5w 0-0,5120-10,20
6112Mohammed Tarig Elther2105SUD1,5s 0-0,4420-8,80
7115Laabi Chian Majid2087IRI2,5s 0-0,4620-9,20
8-bye- --- 1
9114WFMHaussernot Cecile2087FRA2w 10,542010,80