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22nd Abu Dhabi Int. Chess Festival Masters Tournament

Last update 31.08.2015 12:51:17, Creator/Last Upload: Khoori3

Player overview for IRI

20GMGhaem Maghami Ehsan2609IRI1½½½1½10½5,53010-5,00Masters
33GMIdani Pouya2568IRI½000000000,5120100,00Masters
61IMAsgarizadeh Ahmad2407IRI101½010104,55910-0,10Masters
74FMKowsarinia Amir2332IRI01½0010013,59420-48,40Masters
78Firouzja Alireza2309IRI0110½½0104742019,00Masters
82FMMahdavirad Mehdi2271IRI00½11½½003,59220-3,20Masters
83Fendereski Nima2268IRI0101½½½003,58740-3,60Masters
97WIMDerakhshani Dorsa2192IRI010½½00114784031,60Masters
115Laabi Chian Majid2087IRI½000½010½2,511120-15,60Masters
116Ghorbani Hadi2084IRI½½100½1014,5622028,80Masters
126CMDerakhshani Borna2016IRI010001½½½3,5954052,80Masters
127Ghoorchibeygi Alireza2016IRI½000½01114832035,40Masters

Results of the last round for IRI

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMKulaots Kaido25735 ½ - ½5 GMGhaem Maghami Ehsan2609
GMKovchan Alexander2605 1 - 0 IMAsgarizadeh Ahmad2407
Firouzja Alireza23094 0 - 14 IMKaravade Eesha2409
Ghorbani Hadi2084 + - - FMMahdavirad Mehdi2271
CMMuradli Mahammad2027 1 - 0 Fendereski Nima2268
FMSaleh Nabil22493 ½ - ½3 CMDerakhshani Borna2016
WIMDerakhshani Dorsa21923 + - -3 FMKhouri Ibrahim Mohamed2205
Ghoorchibeygi Alireza20163 1 - 03 Senthil Maran K2201
FMKowsarinia Amir2332 + - - Galindo Joseph2064
Laabi Chian Majid20872 ½ - ½2 Ahmed Fareed2119
GMIdani Pouya2568½ 0 not paired  

Player details for IRI

GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan 2609 IRI Rp:2553 Pts. 5,5
186FMSaleh Nabil2249UAE3,5s 10,10101,00
258Vignesh N R2430IND4w ½-0,2310-2,30
352IMRis Robert2449NED4,5s ½-0,2110-2,10
460IMKaravade Eesha2409IND5w ½-0,2610-2,60
575FMOganisian Roman2328RUS4s 10,16101,60
636GMGopal G.N.2562IND5,5w ½-0,0710-0,70
729GMRomanov Evgeny2586RUS5,5s 10,47104,70
84GMRapport Richard2671HUN7w 0-0,4110-4,10
931GMKulaots Kaido2573EST5,5s ½-0,0510-0,50
GM Idani Pouya 2568 IRI Pts. 0,5
1-not paired- --- ½
2-not paired- --- 0
3-not paired- --- 0
4-not paired- --- 0
5-not paired- --- 0
6-not paired- --- 0
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0
IM Asgarizadeh Ahmad 2407 IRI Rp:2394 Pts. 4,5
1125FMKhouri Ahmed Abbas2023UAE2,5s 10,09100,90
223GMPapp Gabor2601HUN5,5w 0-0,2510-2,50
3114WFMHaussernot Cecile2087FRA2s 10,13101,30
48GMShankland Samuel L2655USA3w ½0,31103,10
536GMGopal G.N.2562IND5,5s 0-0,2910-2,90
692WGMKryvoruchko Vita2210UKR4w 10,25102,50
718GMOnischuk Vladimir2618UKR6s 0-0,2310-2,30
8100FMVoiteanu Gabriel2182ROU4,5w 10,22102,20
921GMKovchan Alexander2605UKR5,5s 0-0,2410-2,40
FM Kowsarinia Amir 2332 IRI Rp:2101 Pts. 3,5
18GMShankland Samuel L2655USA3s 0-0,1320-2,60
2101FMVinoth Kumar M.2166IND3,5w 10,28205,60
3129FMSultan Ibrahim1983UAE2,5s ½-0,3920-7,80
436GMGopal G.N.2562IND5,5w 0-0,2120-4,20
5102FMAyyad Husain2162BRN3s 0-0,7220-14,40
6120Godbole Atharva2061IND3w 10,17203,40
792WGMKryvoruchko Vita2210UKR4s 0-0,6720-13,40
8106Yashas D.2135IND5s 0-0,7520-15,00
9119Galindo Joseph2064PHI2,5- 1K
Firouzja Alireza 2309 IRI Rp:2402 Pts. 4
114GMVovk Yuri2624UKR5- 0K
2112Mohammed Tarig Elther2105SUD1,5s 10,24204,80
355GMCzebe Attila2439HUN5,5w 10,682013,60
425GMSumets Andrey2596UKR5w 0-0,1620-3,20
541GMStopa Jacek2544POL3,5s ½0,29205,80
649IMEzat Mohamed2476EGY5w ½0,22204,40
754IMPadmini Rout2444IND4,5s 0-0,3220-6,40
893FMKhouri Ibrahim Mohamed2205UAE3s 10,36207,20
960IMKaravade Eesha2409IND5w 0-0,3620-7,20
FM Mahdavirad Mehdi 2271 IRI Rp:2275 Pts. 3,5
116GMRakhmanov Aleksandr2620RUS6w 0-0,1120-2,20
2114WFMHaussernot Cecile2087FRA2s 0-0,7420-14,80
3101FMVinoth Kumar M.2166IND3,5w ½-0,1420-2,80
4115Laabi Chian Majid2087IRI2,5s 10,26205,20
5117Akkam Mazen2074SYR1,5w 10,25205,00
68GMShankland Samuel L2655USA3s ½0,41208,20
766Abhishek Kelkar2400IND5,5w ½0,17203,40
851IMSagar Shah2456IND4,5s 0-0,2620-5,20
9116Ghorbani Hadi2084IRI4,5- 0K
Fendereski Nima 2268 IRI Rp:2277 Pts. 3,5
117GMGupta Abhijeet2619IND6,5s 0-0,1140-4,40
2117Akkam Mazen2074SYR1,5w 10,254010,00
38GMShankland Samuel L2655USA3s 0-0,0940-3,60
4119Galindo Joseph2064PHI2,5w 10,24409,60
552IMRis Robert2449NED4,5s ½0,24409,60
654IMPadmini Rout2444IND4,5w ½0,23409,20
749IMEzat Mohamed2476EGY5s ½0,274010,80
862IMNezad Husein Aziz2404QAT5w 0-0,3240-12,80
9123CMMuradli Mahammad2027AZE4,5s 0-0,8040-32,00
WIM Derakhshani Dorsa 2192 IRI Rp:2299 Pts. 4
131GMKulaots Kaido2573EST5,5s 0-0,0940-3,60
269IMGevorgyan David Sh.2374ARM5w 10,744029,60
343GMHorvath Adam2540HUN5s 0-0,1140-4,40
455GMCzebe Attila2439HUN5,5s ½0,314012,40
551IMSagar Shah2456IND4,5w ½0,324012,80
648IMSadzikowski Daniel2480POL6w 0-0,1640-6,40
7113Marcos Marvin2104PHI3s 0-0,6240-24,80
8108Mokal Amruta Sunil2123IND3,5s 10,404016,00
993FMKhouri Ibrahim Mohamed2205UAE3- 1K
Laabi Chian Majid 2087 IRI Rp:2038 Pts. 2,5
151IMSagar Shah2456IND4,5w ½0,40208,00
263GMRaetsky Alexander2402RUS4,5s 0-0,1420-2,80
380FMMansour Sameer2292JOR3,5w 0-0,2420-4,80
482FMMahdavirad Mehdi2271IRI3,5w 0-0,2620-5,20
5127Ghoorchibeygi Alireza2016IRI4s ½-0,1020-2,00
6126CMDerakhshani Borna2016IRI3,5s 0-0,6020-12,00
7121Yap Ernesto M.2060PHI2w 10,46209,20
895Senthil Maran K2201IND3s 0-0,3420-6,80
9110Ahmed Fareed2119UAE2,5w ½0,04200,80
Ghorbani Hadi 2084 IRI Rp:2299 Pts. 4,5
152IMRis Robert2449NED4,5s ½0,40208,00
250GMBerescu Alin-Mile2464ROU5w ½0,41208,20
362IMNezad Husein Aziz2404QAT5- 1K
437GMVaibhav Suri2552IND6w 0-0,0820-1,60
567IMBulmaga Irina2393ROU5s 0-0,1420-2,80
672IMTissir Mohamed2351MAR4s ½0,32206,40
795Senthil Maran K2201IND3w 10,662013,20
866Abhishek Kelkar2400IND5,5s 0-0,1320-2,60
982FMMahdavirad Mehdi2271IRI3,5- 1K
CM Derakhshani Borna 2016 IRI Rp:2148 Pts. 3,5
162IMNezad Husein Aziz2404QAT5s 0-0,0940-3,60
290FMMohammed Zozek Salah Mohammed2225IRQ4w 10,774030,80
367IMBulmaga Irina2393ROU5s 0-0,0940-3,60
492WGMKryvoruchko Vita2210UKR4w 0-0,2540-10,00
5108Mokal Amruta Sunil2123IND3,5s 0-0,3540-14,00
6115Laabi Chian Majid2087IRI2,5w 10,604024,00
794WIMKhalafova Narmin2203AZE4s ½0,24409,60
8102FMAyyad Husain2162BRN3w ½0,20408,00
986FMSaleh Nabil2249UAE3,5s ½0,294011,60
Ghoorchibeygi Alireza 2016 IRI Rp:2192 Pts. 4
163GMRaetsky Alexander2402RUS4,5w ½0,41208,20
251IMSagar Shah2456IND4,5s 0-0,0820-1,60
369IMGevorgyan David Sh.2374ARM5w 0-0,1020-2,00
4102FMAyyad Husain2162BRN3s 0-0,3020-6,00
5115Laabi Chian Majid2087IRI2,5w ½0,10202,00
6118Baltazar Danny2071PHI3w 0-0,4220-8,40
788CMAlhajiri Bader2238KUW1s 10,782015,60
8109FMAyyad Maher2122BRN3s 10,642012,80
995Senthil Maran K2201IND3w 10,742014,80