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Shah Alam Pro Am Invitational Chess 2015

Darrera actualització07.06.2015 11:15:54, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Najib Abdul Wahab

Llista del rànquing inicial

9Che Hassan Abdullah5701104MAS2061
7Khandhar Kaushal5702763MAS2010
2Erowan Masrin5701775MAS1974
3Hamid Hairul Abdul5703549MAS1820
1Mahmood Mohd Ezmi5711746MAS1752
4Ismail Mohamed5707870MAS1729
6Ayib Rosdi Meor Airil Rahimi5713471MAS1635
5Ahmad Fahmi Ahmad Faizal5706521MAS1563
10Mohd Yusri Mohd Yussaini5725607MAS1404
8Abdul Rahim Mohd DzuhairyMAS0