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July Lviv Tradition (IM-group) (Please contact mr.Prohorov to take part in next GM IM RR in Lviv, Ukraine!!!!!)

Last update 02.08.2015 23:13:42, Creator/Last Upload: Lviv Region CF

Starting rank list of players

1Sabuk Piotr1137565POL2340
6IMMischuk Dmitry14118734UKR2337
10FMBebel Arkadiusz1132679POL2307
8IMBondarets Vadim903540UKR2303
5IMOdnorozhenko Evgenyi14116588UKR2300
3WGMDoluhanova Evgeniya14112035UKR2244
7FMKatashuk V13505432BLR2201
9WFMPetrova Irina14124122UKR2173
2WFMAdamowicz Katarzyna1134043POL2158
4Musiaka Viktor14130130UKR1938