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IRT Nova Geracao 2015 - sub 1650 ID FIDE: 114456 ID CBX: 2721

Last update 24.05.2015 19:57:21, Creator/Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

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Starting rank

1LABUSSIERE Victor2183129BRA1611
2FONTES Matheus Consolmagno2168030BRA1538
3RABELO Jose Carlos Vargas2168065BRA1530
4CASTELLAR Juarez Iorio2134390BRA1472
5FELIX Luiza De Oliveira2168162BRA1451w
6JUNQUEIRA Leonardo De Faria2125625BRA1449
7LABUSSIERE Yago2186969BRA1393
8RESENDE Walter Magela Borges2138247BRA0
9PORTAL Adroaldo da Cunha2191601BRA0
10MACEDO DE OLIVEIRA Paulo Afonso2190133BRA0
11ARAUJO Hercules dos Santos2166321BRA0
12BARBALHO Geisa Nascimento2150824BRA0w
13BASTOS Henrique Mendes2193477BRA0
14BATISTA Pedro Henrique Gomes2193485BRA0
15GURGEL Joao Guilherme de Brito2193493BRA0
16PORTAL Eduardo Silva2193507BRA0
17SOARES Gabriel Fernando Silva2193515BRA0