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V IRT Livraria de Xadrez

Last update 19.05.2015 18:08:29, Creator/Last Upload: Vagner Almeida Lima

Starting rank list of players

2De Mello Rodrigo2112671BRA1821
3Jose Anderson Willians2138514BRA1618
9Schultz Rauanda2145138BRA1540
5Assad Otavio Orlando2122286BRA1539
4Alves Sidney David2129302BRA1495
1Pi Chillida Nicole2111357BRA1337
12Boffa Sergio2103265BRA0
10Da Silva Junior Rubem Correa2183412BRA0
6Dos Santos Romario JoseBRA0
8Kalousios ChrysostomosBRA0
11Machado Antonio RodrigoBRA0
7Morimoto MarcelBRA0