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IRT Final Nacional Sub-12 Absoluto

Last update 18.05.2015 20:19:04, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

10FMSoto Miguel Angel4427467COL1969Antioquia
6CMCardoso Cardoso Jose Gabriel4430492COL1878Valle
5Murillo Oscar4445058COL1828Bogotá
4CMAvila Pavas Santiago4437128COL1772Valle
7Alvarez Angel Nelson Eduardo4430468COL1726Caquetá
2Martinez Cristian Camilo4427386COL1719Valle
1Perez V Juan Esteban4416295COL1713Meta
3Pedraza Hernandez Juan Pablo4435974COL0Boyacá
9Valera Padilla Federico Jose4451724COL0Atlántico
8Arciniegas Castro Santiago4433122COL1508Santander