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Seoul 2015 IBSA World Games - chess competition

Last update 17.05.2015 06:18:54, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1FMBabarykin Stanislav4101898RUS2347
2Komissarov Alexey4176545RUS2210
3Kasimov Rustam4194071RUS2192
4IMNizam Rasim2906708BUL2179
5Otero Munelo Harlen3902005VEN2149
6FMPribeanu Mihail-Dacian1209094ROU2128
7Bibikov Yuriy13705814KAZ2080
8Akman Adi2806746ISR2069
9Rivas Edgar3906329VEN2031
10Pirosca Alexandru1211110ROU2001
11Bursuc Mihai1215086ROU1952
12Abiad Parra Victor3909468VEN1886
13Morariu Ionel1220713ROU1875
14Lapadatu Teodor1212508ROU1841
15Alimkhanov Abdurashid13705792KAZ1835
16Agmon Yonatan2813149ISR1808
17Tupilusi Tudorel1209132ROU1682
18Amar Pinchas2823381ISR0
19Derani Mahadzir5726530MAS0
20Jeong Sungyun13205790KOR0
21Lee Changsuk13205781KOR0
22Mohamed Halil Nur Feiqha Maulad5726549MAS0
23Saman Mat Idris5726522MAS0
24Seo Inho13205773KOR0
25Yermolenko Sergey2823373ISR0